
  • Pagination Layer for printing preview and layout scalable pages. Each page can be scaled to the target paper size from File>Page size. Select a page with Cmd to add it to printing range.
  • Edit text inside groups for new groups.
  • Sandboxing support.
  • Versions support for OS X 10.7 or request for saving unsaved documents when closing for OS X 10.6.
  • Slightly improved removing row or column of a table.
  • Different types for contour lines in the Customizable style.
  • Sliders are supplemented with textboxes to enter precise values.
  • Improved quality of exported files for Graphic Style.
  • New shortcut ‘p’ to quick open style properties panel for selected object.
  • Shortcuts for saving, applying, reseting defaults (see menu Object).
  • Added menu items to the menu Help to send feedback with email or Twitter.