
  • built-in sets of network shapes, people shapes and misc shapes;
  • built-in support for UML class diagrams, sequence diagrams are coming soon;
  • each shape now has a marker to quick start a connector;
  • now you can move a text block to any place within a shape;
  • double text connector tool was added (you can add this tool from the toolbar panel customization);
  • two modes for paddings: relative to a shape size and absolute in px;
  • only contour mode for shapes (see item in the popup menu);
  • fixed: connector line from the palette is able to have different line types: smooth, straight, orthogonal;
  • fixed windows restoration issue;
  • a lot of stability improvements.


  • fixed a bug that sometimes prevents opening saved files;
  • fixed a bug that prevents importing some stencils from graffletopia.com;
  • fixed a bug preventing to apply saved defaults to a connector;
  • fixed a bug when it was difficult to select arrows that have no filling.


  • Inspector;
  • 1 more style (business style);
  • Copying style of selection to apply to shapes or connectors;
  • Editing color scheme of a style;
  • Moving text on a connector by dragging markers;
  • Automatic tree layout with minimum of intersections;
  • Completely re-drawed Graphic style to avoid transparency in gradients: now copying and printing are in PDF format as in other styles;
  • Double-click mode to start text editing inside of a shape or connector (see option in the Preferences);
  • Better undo/redo;
  • New toolbar, grid, markers;
  • Connector tool;
  • “Fit to page” option in the printing panel;
  • New app icon;
  • A lot of bug fixes.


  • Pagination Layer for printing preview and layout scalable pages. Each page can be scaled to the target paper size from File>Page size. Select a page with Cmd to add it to printing range.
  • Edit text inside groups for new groups.
  • Sandboxing support.
  • Versions support for OS X 10.7 or request for saving unsaved documents when closing for OS X 10.6.
  • Slightly improved removing row or column of a table.
  • Different types for contour lines in the Customizable style.
  • Sliders are supplemented with textboxes to enter precise values.
  • Improved quality of exported files for Graphic Style.
  • New shortcut ‘p’ to quick open style properties panel for selected object.
  • Shortcuts for saving, applying, reseting defaults (see menu Object).
  • Added menu items to the menu Help to send feedback with email or Twitter.


  • Image manager for managing extern images or your custom shapes with your style (menu Window – Image manager);
  • saving and applying defaults for custom shapes and connectors;
  • saving and applying defaults for document;
  • adding to the current document previously imported sets of shapes (menu File – Add imported);
  • other small improvements and bug fixes.


  • import into the current document (File – Import);
  • removing imported elements from the palette (right click on the caption of the imported group in the palette and click Delete);
  • removing unnecessary imported stencils in the Style chooser (right click on the icon and click Delete);
  • improved text formatting in the text editor (when nothing is selected next entered symbol will be formatted).